Monday 15 July 2024

The Sunday Seven: 14th July 2024

Most Sundays I share seven links to items of interest that have crossed my eye across the preceding week. Here are this week's:

  • Have you seen Le Peuple Migrateur? I am a sucker for wildlife documentaries that respect, but do not overdramatise, their subjects. This is one example.
  • Are you a fan of Mark Helprin? You ought to be. I found this recent interview with him riveting in all its cantankerous glory.
  • Do you know about the Perseus digital library? Lots and lots and lots of classic texts, in translations and original Greek/Latin, with full dictionaries. 
  • Do you want to watch strangely mesmerising videos about camping in Alaska? This guy has lots of them.
  • Do you like arty French documentaries about ants warring with termites in the African savannah? I saw this film years ago when living in Japan and heartily recommend it.
  • Do you like Celtic-inflected high fantasy? I recently read CJ Cherryh's Ealdwood stories - they're relevant to your interests.
  • Do you like watching martial artists show off? I do.


  1. Thanks for the Perseus one. While Gutenberg probably has most of those, here it is far more handy to find what you need.
    The last one is meh. Any master can do what fancies him against a guy so much worse. Why most masters considered Ueshiba taking part in tournaments himself to be ... demeaning his own mastery. And the actual question would be not where to put your hands, but how to produce all those impulses which drive them in a sequence. And the guys don't even touch on this. :((

  2. Not sure why anyone ought to be a fan of NatSec blowhard and Zionist ghoul Mark Helprin.

    1. It's okay, you know. This blog is a place where there is no pressure to voice the Right Opinions. Mark Helprin is a wonderful writer who has lived an extraordinary life. I recommend beginning with A Soldier of the Great War, which is probably his masterpiece.
