Friday, 25 May 2018

Projects I Will Never Finish

A complete series of campaign books for all the Inner Planes

A Call of Cthulhu supplement for games set among Japanese immigrants in Latin America in the 1920s

The Book of Judges as a campaign setting

The PCs are insects - like arthropod Redwall

Portmeirion as an adventure site

The Tyne Valley painstakingly mapped and made into a hexcrawl

Herodotus' world recreated as a hexcrawl

Romans explore Kent; Celtic mythology is real

Stone Age Britain with Lovecraft entities

Licensed version of Mythago Wood

Chinese explorers in Kofun-era Japan

Wildlife photographers on alien planets

This list


  1. "Romans explore Kent" sounds wonderful. Alas!

  2. "Romans explore Kent; Celtic mythology is real".

    This could become a very dark game. The flavour of Aguirre, the Wrath of God but with endless primeval forest, blood-stained altars, strange pale men watching from the endless underbush...

    I'd play it.

    1. Did you see the Fassbender movie Centurion? It is based on a similar premise. It's not bad.

    2. With real gods in it, too, I was thinking. Lugh, The Morrigan, and whatnot are actually out there.

  3. Those all sound cool, sadly.

    I figured out how to map a Mythago Wood type area but have yet to ever use it for anything.

    1. How did you figure out how to map a Mythago Wood type area?

    2. I laid it out here a few years ago:

  4. Well, I very much like the idea of Portmeirion. There's a good combination of the gnarled, steep-sided coves and the slate quarries - then in the middle of it all, an alarmingly neat, fanciful Italianate group of houses and pavilions (I hesitate, in this instance, to use the word Village).

    Kent may suffer a little from Garden-of-England syndrome in this case. I say this despite living there for a time. "Kent,sir — everybody knows Kent — apples, cherries, hops and women." (The Pickwick Papers). Not, of course that such a thing is impossible - but I should need a well realised image of Iron Age Kent.

    1. Yeah, I have lived in Kent for a bit as well. I was thinking more the Julius Caesar era where it was mostly impenetrable marshes, murky forests, and blokes riding round on chariots trying to murder each other.

    2. Also, it depends which part of Kent you're talking about. Thanet is definitely not the garden of England!

    3. True enough; Sheppey also had a fairly infamous repute. It still seems that it still may need that extra push to render it fully-Celticised.

    4. I've never been to Sheppey. I imagine it as basically being inhabited by 6-fingered cyclopskin.

  5. Lots of great ideas.

    'Book of Judges as a campaign setting' is definitely my kind of jam, I've unconsciously been inching towards it, especially since I started on Montefiore's biography of Jerusalem.

    Mycenic/Minoic/Herodotian antiquity also beckons strongly, being that it can intersect with the former through the Sea Peoples.

    1. Herodotus is so gameable. You could almost break it down paragraph by paragraph and just re-print a translation followed by some random tables and stat blocks. It would be very easy to do.

  6. You will never finish a project the first page of which I will read.
