Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Fighting Fantasy Monday (Except on Tuesday Again): Seas of Blood (VII)

So last time were stuck in a peaceful abbey/Bond villain's lair, facing off against some sort of "gigantic beast". Most of you saw voted to take evasive action, perhaps expecting an illusion of some kind. (Because when did FF books ever give you a choice on whether to fight or not, unless you weren't supposed to? Or maybe it's a double-bluff? Let's find out...)

The creature is about half as high as the pit and rather long, so will you take an athletic running leap at the beast's back in an attempt to springboard your way out of the pit (turn to 352), or run around the monster and go through the door it came out of (turn to 8)?


  1. dash out of the pit! or kill stupid giant with rock and door

  2. if it's a bond movie, we have to act like bond himself! 352

  3. Run around! How could it possibly be as fast as us?

  4. Billy Billerson2 March 2010 at 11:36

    Got to be 352

  5. 352. Leaping off the back of the beast is just too cool to not do.

  6. use it like a bouncy castle! 352!

  7. 352 in order to stab that poncy, smug priest in the face!!

  8. Stupid Blogger ate my post.

    352 Because it's more piratical (I think)
