Saturday 7 July 2012

Pathetic Excuses

In case anybody thinks I've fallen off the face of the earth - I haven't, at least not yet. The reason for the silence on the blog front is a new job, lecturer in law at an up-and-coming university (what you folks across the Pond might call an assistant professor), starting in September, which gives me a little under two months to finish a woefully neglected PhD. My life at the moment mostly comprises waking up, going to my office, writing 2,500 words of utter bollocks, then going home again and going to sleep. I expect things to ease off relatively soon, however.


  1. That doesn't sound like too bad an excuse. You could always end up bobbing along as a research assistant (on pay grade, if not responsibilities) for several years after being awarded your PhD, like, er, well... so you're on the right path, at least.

  2. As another PhD candidate starting as a lecturer in a university in September, I completely understand your situation.

    Good luck.

  3. Ah, the last mad rush to finish your grad work and submit. I remember it well (and still have the occasional nightmare).


    1. There are lots of PhDs reading this blog, it seems. A clear correlation with my pseudo-intellectual waffling, no doubt.

  4. Rock it. As a newly minted PhD, I can attest that the only good dissertation is a done dissertation, so just keep hammering on it.

  5. Congrats! It's a good life, mostly.

    1. Thanks. I've been involved in the academic life long enough to know it's what I want to do with myself for the next 35 years or so... Although I haven't quite given up hope of being selected for the England cricket team.

  6. Completely off topic, but didn't you at one point have sort of a "donations" button? "Buy me a beer" or something?

    1. I decided to remove it - when I started this blog I decided I didn't want to monetize it at all, and the donations button was a moment of weakness; I got rid of it.

    2. A confusing development to we American readers, who feel an overwhelming compulsion to monetize everything -- including gratitude for what I recently realized was getting to be a sizable number of years of enjoyable reading.

      In any event, congrats on the job. Here's hoping it leaves time for blogging!

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    1. I like hairstyles too. Unfortunately, I'm bald.

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    1. You sound amazingly like the bloke who likes hairstyles. Are you perhaps related?
