Sunday, 26 May 2019

Map Porn

I am not very active on reddit, but I do occasionally drop in, primarily to visit this subreddit. It is called "Map Porn". It features map porn. There is no false advertising. In lieu of a proper post (it is a holiday weekend after all) here are some of the maps featuring on it that tickled my fancy recently - perhaps they'll tickle yours.

Above is a map of the lands that would have been revealed if the Atlantropa movement had been a success. The Atlantropa story is weird enough but I also like to imagine if the scheme had been carried off by a crazed magician at the time of the Punic Wars, or a holy mad man at the time of the Black Death, or some other point in history when it would really have fucked things up.

Above is what the British Isles and its surroundings looked like in 5,500 BC. What was in the bit that's now under the North Sea? 

Here is somebody's imagined map of what Africa would have looked like in the modern day without European colonisation. It reminded me very strongly of Kim Stanley Robinson's The Years of Rice and Salt. 

Above is French Polynesia overlaying a map of Europe, to scale (featuring Air Tahiti's network). A reminder of the oceans' vastness, but what fascinates me most are the really isolated islands. Like Temoe, which is now uninhabited but once featured temple structures, or Marotiri, which must surely feature long-buried aliens, the tombs of gods, or the last resting place of Prester John.


  1. I like browsing map porn on reddit too. I wonder what it would look like if you took the idea of the French Polynesia map as an end state (lots of disparate islands, spread over a vast ocean), and plotted water level rises vs Europe's cities. What towns and cities would remain? What nearby peaks might be colonised by a lower lying city if the water level rose slowly enough. Would you get something interesting? You might get some entertaining thought experiments as to the changes to cultures and nation states that would occur.

    An alternative would be to turn the French Polynesia map into a Traveller-esque style jump map, though I might use Mothership or Offworlders as my game system of choice for that, just to be different.

    1. Nice ideas. If you put the water level high enough there would just be mountain ranges left - and Switzerland.

    2. Several cities in Central Spain are above 500 m (1500 ft) above mean sea level, including Madrid
