Monday, 30 January 2023

Yoon-Suin 2nd edition Kickstarter Stretch Goal Announced - Yellow City Poster

It's my great pleasure to announce that the Yoon-Suin 2nd Edition campaign that I am currently running has a stretch goal and it's one that I'm very excited about. 

Jason Thompson, also known as Mock Man - professional RPG illustrator, comic book artist and editor, game creator and all-round good egg - is going to produce a grand A3 poster depicting in Wimmelbilderbuch-style a scene from the Yellow City in all its vibrant glory. 

This is going to be included with every physical copy of the book delivered to backers (that is, only to backers and not for sale after the campaign) for no extra charge and no additional cost in shipping. It will be a fold-out under the front cover. 

All that we have to do is get to the £70,000 target by judgment day and the stretch goal will be activated.

And here are some pieces from Jason to get you salivating about what he might come up with:


  1. Congrats! And I hope you make it. :D

  2. Backed. I was backing regardless, but I love Jason Thompson's work. I covet all of those OSR maps.

    1. Yes, Jason's stuff is great and I know he has some really excellent releases of his own in the works.
