Tuesday, 17 October 2023

Diterlizzi Unpublished Art and Yoon-Suin Inspiration

A while ago, I came across this Twitter thread, in which Tony Diterlizzi shared some unpublished* pieces from his stint working on the 2nd edition AD&D Monstrous Manual. I've been meaning to share this, but kept forgetting. Some favourites:

Diterlizzi's art was a huge inspiration to me as a child, I think chiefly because it did not seem to be working too hard to be edgy or dark as most fantasy/SF illustrations then did (and to a large extent still do), Even when depicting horrible monsters, his pieces seem somehow optimistic. That minotaur at the bottom, for instance, strikes me as fundamentally a nice guy. This is refreshing.

Another share: at the blog The Yakmen Cometh talks about an art exhibition he went to and shared some images from it that are very Yoon-Suin:

*Some of the pieces did appear in the index/appendices after having inexplicably been replaced in the respective entries in the main text by vastly inferior illustrations.

1 comment:

  1. "Imagine if the Minotaur was really into Brutalism" (from the Yakmen Cometh post) - what a wonderful description of the Barbican!
