Thursday 9 May 2024

Pimp My Orc (and everything else)

One of the things that I aim to achieve with the World of TSRan project (see here, here and here) is to vastly expand the variation and range of existing 'standard' TSR D&D monsters based on geographical location and terrain/climate type. The reader should be able to identify a hex as, say, jungle or hot desert or tundra or whatever, and be able to populate it with terrain-appropriate variants on old standards.

To give a short applied example, here is what that would look like with respect to orcs inhabiting 'cold coast' terrain (meaning coastal regions in cold temperate and subarctic climates):

Orc Variants: Cold Coast

Wilderness encounter: 3d6 hunters or raiders, with a leader and 1d3 ‘big-men’ with maximum hp; all are armed with harpoons/spears and clubs, and half have darts, or short bows; all wear reinforced hide armour (AC 6)

Lair encounter: 30-300 warriors, with same number of females and infants; for every 100 warriors there is a 5 HD shaman (cleric) and a 4 HD witch doctor (magic-user), and a 2 HD sub-chief and 2d6 guards with maximum hp, and the entire lair has one 3 HD chief and 3d6 guards with maximum hp; a lair also has a 1 in 6 chance of having each of the following type of pets: 1d3 giant hermit crabs, 1d6 seals, 1d3 elephant seals, 1d2 cave bears, or 1d2 polar bears

Treasure variations: Cold coastal orcs have TT C, L, Qx10, S in lairs, and Ox2 and Px2 in wilderness encounters

Cold coastal orc tribe generator


Aesthetic variation


Other flavour



Semi-aquatic (have flipper feet and hands and fish scales; can swim at 120)

In huts made from porpoise or whale corpses

Daub themselves in whale blubber – vile stench means they never surprise opponents, but opponents must successfully save vs poison in order to make a first melee attack (subsequent attacks do not require a roll)

Have a tribe of rival orcs living nearby


Cormorant heads

Can explosively spray white fecal matter in a 6’ x 2’ cone, acting as a stinking cloud; this attack must be prepared a round in advance by disrobing

Live near a giant, dragon, etc. of appropriate type, to whom they make sacrifices


Fur seal heads

In cliff caves

Use skins as trophies; must spend 1d3 rounds skinning or scalping slain opponent if delivering the coup de grace

Live near a valuable source of guano which they mine


Gull heads

Worship a bestial shark, gull, kraken or orca god; must spend 1d3 rounds devouring body parts of slain opponent if delivering the coup de grace

Prey upon nearby human settlement for slaves (holding 3d6 at any given time)


Shark heads

On floating rafts, moored a short distance from shore

Worship a hungry shark, gull, kraken or orca god; will attempt to capture opponents reduced to 1-4 remaining hp for subsequent sacrifice

Lair near a gigantic glacier within which is a vast network of tunnels


Sea-bird feathered

Daub themselves in silt mud as camouflage; surprise opponents on a roll of 1-3 on surprise roll

Are engaged in summoning a demigod or demon from the deep



In huts made from rocks and seashells

One in every six individuals has a crab pincer for a hand and has an additional attack doing 1d4 hp damage and grabbing the victim on a successful hit, doing 1d4 hp damage automatically thereafter

Are the escaped slaves of a powerful tribe of ogres, merrow, sea trolls, etc.


Seaweed hair

Bleed brine – sprays out after a serious wound (doing 4+ hp damage) or at death, blinding melee opponent for next round on a failed save vs poison

Are split into two warring factions under rivals for power



  1. Part of me want to have a gazillion random tables while the other part wants to have a small hexmap with all of this shit laboriously laid out hex by hex.

    1. The latter is, I agree, really appealing.
